
VirtualEyes offers innovative Digital Twin, Augmented Reality and 3D Laser Scanning services, transforming real spaces into virtual experiences for different sectors.

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+39 335 679 7529 (AA)

+39 339 2734875 (AM)

Via della Chiesa 82, 50125, Firenze, Italia


Cookie Policy

The following notice has been prepared pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) in order to enable you to understand how your personal data, as more fully defined below, will be processed in the context of your use of the website https://www.virtualeyes.it (hereinafter, “Site”), and to learn about our privacy policy.

In general, any information or personal data that you provide through the Site, or that is otherwise collected through the Site, as part of your use of the services offered (e.g., submitting an unsolicited application, requesting information and/or legal assistance or advice services, both judicial and extrajudicial, hereinafter “Services”), will be processed in strict compliance with the principles of lawfulness, fairness, purpose limitation and storage, minimization, accuracy, integrity, while ensuring maximum transparency on the procedures and security measures adopted.

Table of Contents

Purpose and type of cookies.

  • Technical cookies
  • Profiling cookies
  • Third-party cookies

Purpose and type of cookies.

Based on function and purpose of use, cookies can be divided into technical cookies, profiling cookies, and third-party cookies.

These are cookies used to perform computer authentication, session tracking, and storage of specific information about users accessing a web page.

A) Technical Cookies

These are cookies used to perform computer authentication, session tracking, and storage of specific information about users accessing a web page.

These cookies are often useful because they can make web browsing and enjoyment faster and quicker, as they intervene, for example, to facilitate certain procedures for making online purchases or for authentications to restricted areas.

B) Profiling Cookies

Profiling cookies, on the other hand, can be used to monitor and profile users during browsing, study their web browsing or consumption movements and habits, including for the purpose of sending targeted and personalized service advertisements.

This site does not use profiling cookies for this purpose but does use services and other tools. These services can aggregate a lot of information, anonymously, and allow the third-party owner companies to subsequently provide targeted advertising content.

C) Third Party Cookies

These are cookies from third-party sites or servers that process Personal Data as data controllers on behalf of the Company. Below are the third parties and links to their privacy policies and opt-out mechanisms. Third-party cookies are anonymized by masking IP addresses. They are:

Google Analytics. These are cookies that allow us to analyze and improve the operation of the Site. To disable Google Analytics cookies, you can download and install the opt-out browser add-on provided by Google Analytics. This add-on instructs the Google Analytics javascript code (ga.js, analytics.js and dc.js) to prevent sending information to Google Analytics. The add-on is available for most commonly used browsers. Learn more about the Google Analytics opt-out add-on click here.

These are functionality cookies provided by the WordPress platform in order to optimize the display and language of the Site. To disable WordPress cookies, you can refer to this provider’s privacy policy available on their website.

List of cookies on the site

To be inserted once docked plugin

How to view and modify cookies via browser

If you do not want our site to place cookies on your device, you can decline their use through your browser settings. In case of deactivation of technical cookies we do not guarantee the proper enjoyment of the services offered on the site. For more information on how to set preferences on the use of cookies through your browser, please see the following instructions:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Chrome